Media Types Quiz
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Media Types Quiz

Take the Quiz: In this quiz check Unguided and Guided Media type Like UTP, STP, Coax Cable, Fiber Optic, Microwaves, RadioWaves, and Infrared many more…

Media types Quiz

Major difference between RG-59 and RG-6 cable is

OM3 is example of

In Cat5e where stand for

Which splicing technique involves the alignment and locking of broken fiber edges by means of positioning devices & optical cement?

ISO/IEC11801 standard S/FTP where S

In an optical fiber, the concept of Numerical aperture is applicable in describing the ability of

Maximum distance of Cat5 cable is

Core diameter of single-mode fiber

S/FTP standard cable means

Thicknet use which type of coaxial cable

Entire bandwidth of the cable is consumed by a

The performance characteristics of multimode graded-index fibers are

GG45 connector used in

Fiber Optic cable work on which principle

Cat5e Superior than cat5 in term of

Multimode step-index fiber has

In cat6a where a stand for

STP stand for

Coaxial cables use RG ratings What RG means

75 Ohm Coaxial Cable used in

RG-58 and RG8 are example of ______Coaxial cable

Which kind of dispersion phenomenon gives rise to pulse spreading in single-mode fibers?

Broadband uses which type of multiplexing

Plenum area-area between(choose Two)

BaseBand uses which type of coaxial cable

In a multifiber cable system, which forms of outer jacket/s consists/s of polyolefin compounds and is regarded as halogen-free

In the structure of a fiber, which component provides additional strength and prevents the fiber from any damage?

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