Media Types Quiz
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Media Types Quiz

Take the Quiz: In this quiz check Unguided and Guided Media type Like UTP, STP, Coax Cable, Fiber Optic, Microwaves, RadioWaves, and Infrared many more…

Media types Quiz

Maximum distance of Cat5 cable is

GG45 connector used in

Entire bandwidth of the cable is consumed by a

Core diameter of single-mode fiber

The performance characteristics of multimode graded-index fibers are

In the structure of a fiber, which component provides additional strength and prevents the fiber from any damage?

RG-58 and RG8 are example of ______Coaxial cable

Which kind of dispersion phenomenon gives rise to pulse spreading in single-mode fibers?

In cat6a where a stand for

Fiber Optic cable work on which principle

Thicknet use which type of coaxial cable

Cat5e Superior than cat5 in term of

75 Ohm Coaxial Cable used in

Coaxial cables use RG ratings What RG means

S/FTP standard cable means

Broadband uses which type of multiplexing

In a multifiber cable system, which forms of outer jacket/s consists/s of polyolefin compounds and is regarded as halogen-free

Major difference between RG-59 and RG-6 cable is

Plenum area-area between(choose Two)

ISO/IEC11801 standard S/FTP where S

Multimode step-index fiber has

In an optical fiber, the concept of Numerical aperture is applicable in describing the ability of

STP stand for

In Cat5e where stand for

BaseBand uses which type of coaxial cable

Which splicing technique involves the alignment and locking of broken fiber edges by means of positioning devices & optical cement?

OM3 is example of

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